Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ho Hum, so bored

Yup, not much going on 'round these parts recently.

Although there are some good funny moments coming out of the firehouse. I'm afraid they might be "you had to be there moments"

Here goes anyways.

Our B-Shift Medic Lieutenant, we'll call him "Baby" because thats what he calls everyone else, must have been having an off tour, he'd been all over the map the previous day, been held over for forced overtime and only gotten 12 hours off in the last 60. So needless to say he's probably a little on the groggy side.

Earlier in the day the medic unit had responded to a call at a restaurant in town. Said restaurant has one wall that is entirely paneled with mirrors. Lt. Baby, walks into the restaurant sees "another firefighter" standing on the other side of the room, so he walks over to see what the deal is. Gets closer to the "other firefighter" who must have something to say because he's walking towards Lt. Baby. Just when they're about to shake hands BOOOOOOOM, Lt. Baby walks smack into the mirror. Good god i don't think i've laughed that hard in a long time. As if that wasnt funny enough, Lt. walks around the other side of the wall just to make sure we're not pulling a prank on him. Just checking if there was anything on the otehr side. As if that wasn't funny enough. We stop back at the station to grab some dinner. Get banged out on an uncontrolled bleeding call. Little baby on the north side of town had decided to make a snack out of a metal coat hanger and gotten it lodged in his sublingual soft palate. Sounds like a good call eh? Sure, haul tuchas across town to find the house because the main artery road to that side of town is closed going north, so we have to thread the needle and cut through the back neighborhoods of our district to get there. Find the house and i grab the BLS kit out of the back storage compartment. As i'm turning around from grabbing the BLS kit all i hear is BOOOOOOOOOOM THUD. Lt. Baby had gone charging up the hill instead of taking the long set of stairs leading from the driveway. Somehow in his bold lunge forward he neglected to notice the glass storm door that was still closed. I'll concede the fact that this was probably the cleanest door glass i'd ever seen in my life, but for the second time that day Lt. Baby had given himself a goose-egg on his head (henceforth referred to as a hematomato, in honor of Big D, everyone's favorite volunteer mother).

The rest of the night was hematomato free, but my usual cloud of death held true, call goes out as injuries from a fall, big guy, easy 3 bills fell over and was probably dead before he hit the ground but he was so big his wife couldnt roll him over to check breathing or try to find a pulse. Sorry ma'am, i just hope you don't know what 10-61 means.

That and our EMS captain totally "destroying" a bathroom to the point where he had to leave, i mean its gross base humor but what else are we gonna laugh at. It was possibly the funniest thing i've seen in a while, save a 25year veteran firefighter plastering his head against a mirror and a glass door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your boy needs some sleep
or glasses....maybe both!