Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ok, so, i know this is starting to sound like a rollcall of things Odie has done. well right now thats the mode i'm in. Getting myself squared away as far as certifications and qualifications before i disappear into the bowels of the fire academy for 5.5 months.
Passed my EVOC class with flying colors, second fastest time of the day, zero cones hit. I'm proud of myself as i did this in a unit i'd never driven before, different airbrakes, different steering box, etc etc etc. It's quite disconcerting driving a new vehicle sometimes. But, i'm now in the pipeline for my EVOC II release, just 9 more hours of drive time, a roads test and i'll be good to go for emergency responses.
Next, oooooooh drumroll please. Some doofus put me in charge, thats right i'm now a probationary OIC for our BLS unit. Yeah, someone thought it was a bright idea to let Odie ride the seat. I guess its a good thing, i've worked my butt off to get here this fast. I realize i've got lots of learning to do, but i've put in tons of hours on both the BLS and ALS units to better my skills. Now its my time to prove that all this learnification has dones its wurkz. I want to ride at least 10 or so shifts before the end of the month to get some under my belt as OIC.
Been busting my hump trying to get back into good enough shape for fire academy, RUNNING stairs instead of the leisurely climb i'm used to. Doing 2 minute drills at the station, farmers walk with kettle bells. All the fun stuff. I plan on losing between 30 and 50 pounds by the end of fire school, which will be good for me. Not that i'm not fit now, i can get up and run a competative 5k time but i'd like to be skinnier, makes it easier to slip into the turnout gear:-p
No big calls since the fire from the last post, just your basic BLS here and there, some bloody poop, a little coffee ground emesis, some C-diffy stinkers, but nothing huge. Although my streak of obvious deformity injury calls has successfully remained intact. Tennis player tripped over his own foot and dislocated his other foot, twisted out of alignment about 80* it was a great injury. The ALS unit called for us to transport so they could go back in service, under normal circumstance i wouldn't complain about that but the patient was severely dehydrated, rated his pain as a 10 out of 10 (which i know is suspect at best). I would have liked to see the medics start a line get the guy some fluids and maybe .5 of morphine, just something to take the edge off so he wasnt as much of a cranky bastard. I understand the pain was bad, but we were literally 5 minutes from the hospital and he started bitching that we were transporting priority 1 lights and sirens to the hospital for his dislocated ankle (yes, good distal pulses, no nausea no LOC) so yeah had to find a policitcally sensitive way to tell him his injury was non life threatening and we can't go running intersections for every BLS emergency out there.

Ok, well i have to go be productive at my real job ... time to go play with trains!

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