Monday, August 11, 2008

2nd Weekend at Fire Academy

Well thus concludes my second week in the fire academy, feeling not as bad as i could but not as good as i'd hoped. My body aches, but i'm in good spirits about the whole process. At this point we're getting to the end of our Search and Rescue segment of class and so passes that so passes the most mentally draining segment of class. The high stress environments, the blackout masks, the yelling, at least for a little while. I'm getting to thepoint where i'm drowning out a lot of the yelling and the banging and the screaming, even blacked out the head comes up you start looking around even though you can't see, your movements become much more deliberate, the tool swings become more of a feel than an all out swing, you have a much better feeling of how much of the room has been searched, and you begin to communicate a lot better with teammates and other crews.

I learned that i can do a lot more than i thought i could, fit my body places i didnt think i could especially with an SCBA on. I know that there's things i need to improve. I know that i need to work on keeping calm when i come upon a new challenge.

This coming week is Utility Rope & Knots, low stress classroom lessons plus practicals off air in a low stress environment. Should be a good week, a good recoup before one more day of search and rescue then its off to ladders and forcible entry.

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