Friday, August 15, 2008

Last weekend of S&R...

Ok tomorrow is the last day of Search and Rescue Training, and as usual i'm in my "why the f**k am i doing this phase that i get in every friday about lunchtime. Oh well, can't quit now the really mentally tasking part is almost over, its not physically going to get any easier but hell, it can't get much worse.

The one thing i'm not looking forward to is tomorrow they said they are going to ramp up the emergency procedures on SCBA, which means messing with our air supply which always stresses me out A LOT. Like i said, Oh well, whatcha gonna do. Just gotta go with it.

I finished this week with flying colors, we did a "rope tying relay" in the spirit of the olympics, we had two teams, each with a charged hose line, a dry hose line, a pickhead axe, a pike pole, a rotary saw, and a ladder. Each one set on the ground in order. We had to proceed down the line and tie each oen and prep it for hoisting. I got the fastest split time of the day, 4:00 flat. It was good to finally be really good at something, I'm kinda in the middle of the pack when it comes to keeping my cool. I still have some minor freakouts when it comes to my air supply, i'm ok being in the dark again, but when they start messing with my air i might lose it again.

Moving on will be interesting, still 2 weeks away from the aerial climb, i've gotten some good tips on how not to freak out, but i'm sure i will, its inevitable, I HATE HEIGHTS!!!!!!!!


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